2 Closest to the pin:
Longest Drive: Rock Dipuccio...wins Regrip for golf clubs Ladies Longest Drive: Donna Million...wins Galvez Sunday Brunch for 2 |
Straightest Drive: Joe Mims...wins $45 gift certificate to Academy | |
Teams Low Gross...wins 4 rounds of golf at
Taptio Springs |
1st PLACE NET wins 4 rounds of golf at Galveston Country Club Lee Bradley Jack Kelly Jim Gaffney Freddy Oberndorfer |
2nd PLACE NET wins 4 rounds of golf at Galveston Municipal Golf Course Mike Livergood Mike Plant Kelly McKnight Bill Helm |
3rd PLACE NET wins 4 rounds of golf at Beacon Lake Golf Course Rocky Dipuccio Charlie Dipuccio Dick Dipuccio Rusty Dipuccio |
4th PLACE NET wins 4 boxes of golf balls Robert Knight Donna Million Jim Livergood Suzy Livergood |
5th PLACE NET wins 4 boxes of golf balls Dennis Smith Jay Fish Dwight Puckett Dave Martin |
If you see any corrections that need to be made please call Brenda at 935-9544 or email me at |