Dredging the Canals of
Omega Bay & Bayou Vista

RLB Contracting is currently dredging the channels of Omega Bay and then Bayou Vista. The color coded schedule is updated weekly and posted on the link above titled "Latest Dredging Map". The contractor will be mobilizing to Bayou Vista the first week in May with work scheduled to begin on the week of May 7th.
The dredge will not dredge within 10 feet of any structure, to prevent damage. Although the work will not come close to the visible structures, resident will be responsible for removing their underwater structures that they have placed in the channel. These items include, but are not limited to, underwater lights, PVC markers, fish/crab traps, ropes, floats, anchors, etc. The Contractor and the MUD are not responsible for any damage to these items. They will be destroyed as they are encountered by the dredge. Some residents have removed their lights and bait traps. Thank you for preparing for the project in your area.
Additionally, debris picked up by the dredge will delay this long awaited project and may cause delays to the contractor and additional cost to the MUD 12. The resident's cooperation is appreciated and will allow the contractor to finish the project in a timely manner.

Here is the link for all of the proposed dredging to be done.

The dredge boat.

Check out the size of the drill bit!

These are the plastic pipelines that boats can safely cross over. When the pipeline is full and under operation it will sink. If you see it floating just ease your boat up to it, turn your motor off and raise it. You can then push an oar or landing net down on the pipeline and drift across it. 

These yellow buoys are markers for the anchors. You will see two of them on either side of the dredge boat.

The dredge pipelines stretch out and come to a Y, where vales can be shut off to allow flow in either direction. In Omega Bay a levy was built up to hold the sludge in by the marsh. The levy will eventually dissipate into the water or salt grass will grow on it.


They levy might not be a pretty sight right now, but will change with the environment regarding tides and what mother nature will do to it. The birds do not mind the looks of it and find it a great spot for resting and mating. These pipelines will be stretched under the Railroad bridge (not by the exit or entrance) and the sludge will be pumped next to the bridge by the marsh in the outgoing side of Highland Bayou.

Thanks Toby for the very interesting tour of the project. Also a big Thanks to everyone that worked so hard to get this major task in the works.